Multiplying two numbers using only bitwise operations (AND
, OR
, <<
, >>
) is perfectly possible, although probably not very efficient. You may want to read the relevant Wikipedia articles on Adder (electronics) and Binary multiplier.
A bottom-up approach for multiplication would be to create first a binary adder. For the lowest bit (bit 0) a half adder works fine. S means sum, C means carry.
For the rest of the bits you need a full adder for each bit. Cin means 'carry in', Cout means 'carry out':
The simplest logical circuit to sum several bits is called ripple-carry adder:
Ripple-carry adder is basically a series of full adders, the carry is propagated to the full adder computing the next more significant bit. Other more efficient methods do exist, but due to reasons of simplicity, I skip them. So now we have a binary adder.
The binary multiplier is a more difficult case. But as I see this more as a proof of concept than a practical way to multiply two numbers, let's take a simpler detour.
Let's assume we want to compute the product of a
and b
, a = 100
, b = 5
. a
and b
are both 16-bit unsigned integers (can be fixed-point too). We can create an array of summands in which we write the value of a
(100) b
(5) times, or vice versa. As the highest unsigned value that is representable in 16 bits is 2^16-1 (65535), we want to create an array of 65535 unsigned integers, filled with zeros. Then we need to set some 5 values of the array to 100, using only bitwise operations.
We can do this: first we fill an array (let's call it a_array
) with the value of a
(100). Then we want to zero some values in a_array
based on the value of b
, so that b
values of a_array
stay unmodified, the rest values of a_array
are zeroed. For that we use a binary mask and AND
bitwise operation.
So we loop through the bits of b
. For each bit of b
we create a binary mask based on the value of that bit in b
. Creating such binary mask requires only bit shifts (<<
, >>
), bitwise AND
and bitwise OR
0 -> 0b0000 0000 0000 0000
1 -> 0b1111 1111 1111 1111
So, now we have a binary mask. But how we use it? Well, the bit 0 of b
corresponds to numerical value of 0 or 1. The bit 1 of b
corresponds to numerical value 0 or 2. The bit 2 of b
corresponds to numerical value of 0 or 4. So bit n of b
corresponds to the numerical value of 0 or 2^n. So, as we loop through the bits of b
and create a binary mask for each bit, we AND
2^n values of a_array
with the corresponding binary mask. The corresponding value in a_array
either gets zeroed or stays unmodified. In C code I use a for
loop for AND
ing through the a_array
, together with incrementing and decrementing counters. Increment and decrement are not a bitwise operations. But the for
loop is not necessary, it's used only for readability (from human point of view). Actually, I first wrote in x86-64 assembly a 4-bit * 4-bit = 4-bit multiplier to try this concept, using only and
, or
, xor
, shl
(bit shift left), and shr
(bit shift right) and call
. call
is function or procedure call, that is, not a bitwise operation, but you can inline all those functions or procedures and thus compute the product using only AND
, OR
, <<
and >>
. So instead of a for
loop, for each bit of b
, you can AND
n (n = 1, 2, 4, 8 ...) corresponding values of a_array
using the bitwise mask based on the corrsponding bit of b
. For a 16-bit * 16-bit = 16-bit multiplication that requires 65535 AND
commands (without a loop). Computers have no problem with such an input, but humans tend to have problems reading such code. For that reason a for
loop is used.
Now we have a_array
filled with b
values of a
, the rest are zeroes. The rest is simple: we just add all the values of a_array
using out bitwise adder (it's the function my_add
in the below C code).
Here's the code for 16-bit * 16-bit = 16-bit unsigned integer multiplication. Please note that the function memset16
assumes a little-endian architecture. Converting memset16
to a big-endian architecture should be trivial. The code works for fixed-point multiplication too, you only need to add a bit shift in the end. Converting to different variable sizes as well as implementing overflow detection should be trivial too. Tasks are left for the reader. Compiles with GCC, tested in x86-64 Linux.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#define NUMBER_OF_BITS 16
#define MAX_VALUE 65535
typedef uint8_t u8;
typedef uint16_t u16;
typedef uint32_t u32;
typedef int8_t s8;
typedef int16_t s16;
typedef int32_t s32;
typedef struct result_struct{
u16 result;
u16 carry;
} result_struct;
u16 extend_lowest_bit(u16 a)
/* extends lowest bit (bit 0) to all bits. */
u16 a_extended;
a = (a & 1);
a_extended = a | (a << 1) | (a << 2) | (a << 3) | (a << 4);
a_extended = a_extended | (a << 5) | (a << 6) | (a << 7) | (a << 8);
a_extended = a_extended | (a << 9) | (a << 10) | (a << 11) | (a << 12);
a_extended = a_extended | (a << 13) | (a << 14) | (a << 15);
return a_extended;
result_struct my_add(u16 a, u16 b)
/* computes (a + b). */
result_struct add_results;
u16 a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15;
u16 b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, b10, b11, b12, b13, b14, b15;
u16 carry, result = 0;
/* prepare for bitwise addition by separating
* each bit of summands a and b using bitwise AND. */
a0 = a & 1;
a1 = a & (1 << 1);
a2 = a & (1 << 2);
a3 = a & (1 << 3);
a4 = a & (1 << 4);
a5 = a & (1 << 5);
a6 = a & (1 << 6);
a7 = a & (1 << 7);
a8 = a & (1 << 8);
a9 = a & (1 << 9);
a10 = a & (1 << 10);
a11 = a & (1 << 11);
a12 = a & (1 << 12);
a13 = a & (1 << 13);
a14 = a & (1 << 14);
a15 = a & (1 << 15);
b0 = b & 1;
b1 = b & (1 << 1);
b2 = b & (1 << 2);
b3 = b & (1 << 3);
b4 = b & (1 << 4);
b5 = b & (1 << 5);
b6 = b & (1 << 6);
b7 = b & (1 << 7);
b8 = b & (1 << 8);
b9 = b & (1 << 9);
b10 = b & (1 << 10);
b11 = b & (1 << 11);
b12 = b & (1 << 12);
b13 = b & (1 << 13);
b14 = b & (1 << 14);
b15 = b & (1 << 15);
add_results.result = a0 ^ b0;
/* result: 0000 0000 0000 000x */
carry = (a0 & b0) << 1;
add_results.result = add_results.result | (a1 ^ b1 ^ carry);
/* result: 0000 0000 0000 00xx */
carry = ((carry & (a1 ^ b1)) | (a1 & b1)) << 1;
add_results.result = add_results.result | (a2 ^ b2 ^ carry);
/* result: 0000 0000 0000 0xxx */
carry = ((carry & (a2 ^ b2)) | (a2 & b2)) << 1;
add_results.result = add_results.result | (a3 ^ b3 ^ carry);
/* result: 0000 0000 0000 xxxx */
carry = ((carry & (a3 ^ b3)) | (a3 & b3)) << 1;
add_results.result = add_results.result | (a4 ^ b4 ^ carry);
/* result: 0000 0000 000x xxxx */
carry = ((carry & (a4 ^ b4)) | (a4 & b4)) << 1;
add_results.result = add_results.result | (a5 ^ b5 ^ carry);
/* result: 0000 0000 00xx xxxx */
carry = ((carry & (a5 ^ b5)) | (a5 & b5)) << 1;
add_results.result = add_results.result | (a6 ^ b6 ^ carry);
/* result: 0000 0000 0xxx xxxx */
carry = ((carry & (a6 ^ b6)) | (a6 & b6)) << 1;
add_results.result = add_results.result | (a7 ^ b7 ^ carry);
/* result: 0000 0000 xxxx xxxx */
carry = ((carry & (a7 ^ b7)) | (a7 & b7)) << 1;
add_results.result = add_results.result | (a8 ^ b8 ^ carry);
/* result: 0000 000x xxxx xxxx */
carry = ((carry & (a8 ^ b8)) | (a8 & b8)) << 1;
add_results.result = add_results.result | (a9 ^ b9 ^ carry);
/* result: 0000 00xx xxxx xxxx */
carry = ((carry & (a9 ^ b9)) | (a9 & b9)) << 1;
add_results.result = add_results.result | (a10 ^ b10 ^ carry);
/* result: 0000 0xxx xxxx xxxx */
carry = ((carry & (a10 ^ b10)) | (a10 & b10)) << 1;
add_results.result = add_results.result | (a11 ^ b11 ^ carry);
/* result: 0000 xxxx xxxx xxxx */
carry = ((carry & (a11 ^ b11)) | (a11 & b11)) << 1;
add_results.result = add_results.result | (a12 ^ b12 ^ carry);
/* result: 000x xxxx xxxx xxxx */
carry = ((carry & (a12 ^ b12)) | (a12 & b12)) << 1;
add_results.result = add_results.result | (a13 ^ b13 ^ carry);
/* result: 00xx xxxx xxxx xxxx */
carry = ((carry & (a13 ^ b13)) | (a13 & b13)) << 1;
add_results.result = add_results.result | (a14 ^ b14 ^ carry);
/* result: 0xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx */
carry = ((carry & (a14 ^ b14)) | (a14 & b14)) << 1;
add_results.result = add_results.result | (a15 ^ b15 ^ carry);
/* result: xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx */
add_results.carry = ((carry & (a15 ^ b15)) | (a15 & b15)) << 1;
return add_results;
result_struct add_array(void* array, s32 size)
/* adds together all u16 values of the array. */
result_struct add_results;
u16* i;
u16* top_address;
add_results.result = 0;
add_results.carry = 0;
for (i = array; i < ((u16*)array + size); i++)
add_results = my_add(add_results.result, *i);
return add_results;
void memset16(void* dest, u16 value, s32 size)
/* does a 16-bit memset. size is the number of u16's (words). */
u8* i;
for (i = (u8*)dest; i < ((u8*)dest+(2*size)); i+=2)
memset(i, (int)(value & 0xff), 1);
memset(i+1, (int)(value >> 8), 1);
result_struct my_mul(u16 a, u16 b)
/* computes (a * b) */
u16 bitmask, a_array[MAX_VALUE];
u32 block_length;
s16 bit_i;
s32 count, size;
u16* i;
void* p_a_array;
p_a_array = a_array;
result_struct mul_results;
mul_results.result = 0;
size = MAX_VALUE;
memset16(p_a_array, a, size); // can be replaced with AND.
/* mask the summands. can be unrolled to
* use only bitwise operations. */
i = p_a_array;
for (bit_i = 0, block_length = 1; bit_i < NUMBER_OF_BITS; bit_i++)
bitmask = extend_lowest_bit(b >> bit_i);
for (count = block_length; count > 0; count--)
*i = (*i & bitmask);
block_length <<= 1;
/* the array of summands is now masked. */
/* add the values of the array together. */
mul_results = add_array(p_a_array, MAX_VALUE);
return mul_results;
int main(void)
int a, b;
result_struct multiply_results;
printf("Enter the 1st unsigned 16-bit integer.\n");
scanf("%d", &a);
printf("Enter the 2nd unsigned 16-bit integer.\n");
scanf("%d", &b);
multiply_results = my_mul((u16)a, (u16)b);
printf("%d * %d = %d\n", a, b, multiply_results.result);
return 0;
(float)x / (1 << 7)
? – Oliver Charlesworth