
I'm trying to exceed the shared memory object after shm_open and ftruncate successfully at fisrt. Here is the code,

char *uuid = GenerateUUID();
int fd = shm_open(uuid, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);
if(fd == -1) perror("shm_open");

size_t shmSize = sizeof(container);
int ret = ftruncate(fd, shmSize);
perror("ftruncate first");

ret = ftruncate(fd, shmSize * 2);
perror("ftruncate second");

It could pass the first ftruncate, but for the second ftruncate, it exceeds failed with errno=22, "Invalid argument".

I also tried to ftruncate the memory object after mmap, refer to the ftruncate's man page, the shared memory should be formatted as zero to the new length.

Besides, I also tried to ftruncate the memory object in the child process (This is an IPC topic among two processes), the ftruncate returns "Invalid fd, no such file or directory" but I could shm_open and mmap successfully in child process.

Any ideas? Thanks!

Still didn't find out any reasons, I had to make a temporary solution: if ftruncate failed, close and shm_unlink the object, create a new file descriptor using the same name, ftruncate the new object, passed.Itachi

2 Answers


I think this is a known "feature" of shm_open(), ftruncate(), mmap().

You have to ftruncate() the first time through to give the shared memory a length, but subsequent times ftruncate() gives that error number 22, which you can simply ignore.


The used implementation seems to conform to an older specification where returning an error is an allowed behavior for ftruncate(fd, length) when length exceeds the previous length:

If the file previously was smaller than this size, ftruncate() shall either increase the size of the file or fail.