Is there a way to syntax highlight Org-mode inline source code which is marked with src_ruby{}
Does Org-mode has default option for this ? Or Is there other method to do this ?
UPDATE: the correct answer to this particular question is following . Answer presented here is related to this question Syntax highlighting within #+begin_src block in emacs orgmode not working
You mean like syntax-highlighting source blocks in buffer?
#+BEGIN_SRC ruby
You need to set (setq org-src-fontify-natively t)
(font-lock-add-keywords 'org-mode
(1 '(:foreground "black" :weight 'normal :height 10)) ; src_ part
(2 '(:foreground "cyan" :weight 'bold :height 75 :underline "red")) ; "lang" part.
(3 '(:foreground "#555555" :height 70)) ; [:header arguments] part.
(4 'org-code) ; "code..." part.
(defun org-fontify-inline-src-block (limit) "Fontify inline source block." (when (re-search-forward org-babel-inline-src-block-regexp limit t) (add-text-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 0) '(font-lock-fontified t face (t (:foreground "#008ED1" :background "#FFFFEA")))) (org-remove-flyspell-overlays-in (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)) t))
add to function org-set-font-lock-defaults in org.el
;; Drawers '(org-fontify-drawers) ;; Inline source block '(org-fontify-inline-src-block)
Stardiviner gave a nice answer that leads the way. Nevertheless, there are problems when two inline source blocks are on the same line. The second inline source block is engulfed into the first one.
In the following refined solution, the regexp MATCHER in font-lock-keywords
is replaced by a function org+-fontify-inline-src-code
that does not have this problem.
The matcher org+-fontify-inline-src-code
is partially adopted from org-element-inline-src-block-parser
(defun org+-fontify-inline-src-code (limit)
"Match inline source blocks from point to LIMIT."
(when (re-search-forward "\\_<src_\\([^ \t\n[{]+\\)[{[]" limit t) ;; stolen from `org-element-inline-src-block-parser'
;; This especially clarifies that the square brackets are optional.
(let ((beg (match-beginning 0))
(lang-beg (match-beginning 1))
(lang-end (match-end 1))
header-args-beg header-args-end
code-beg code-end)
(setq pt (goto-char lang-end))
(when (org-element--parse-paired-brackets ?\[)
(setq header-args-beg pt
header-args-end (point)
pt (point)))
(when (org-element--parse-paired-brackets ?\{)
(setq code-beg pt
code-end (point))
(list beg (point)
beg lang-beg
(defun org+-config-fontify-inline-src-code ()
"Fontify inline source code, such as src_html[:exports code]{<em>to be emphased</em>}."
(font-lock-add-keywords nil
(1 '(:foreground "black" :weight normal :height 10) t) ; src_ part
(2 '(:foreground "cyan" :weight bold :height 75 :underline "red") t) ; "lang" part.
(3 '(:foreground "#555555" :height 70) t) ; [:header arguments] part.
(4 'org-code t) ; "code..." part.
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'org+-config-fontify-inline-src-code)
Tested with Emacs 26.3 and org-mode 9.2.6.
code blocks yes. – d4gg4d