I'm currently making a football online manager game, and I'm stuck trying to generate the matches.
This is my SQL structure:
id: integer
home: integer (home team)
away: integer (away team)
date: integer
league: integer
My leagues will contain many teams, so a team won't be able to compete against all of the other teams.
My solution so far has been to loop across all possible match-ups, and then give it a unique date (based on a certain amount of given dates). However, that can't work now that I have too many teams in the leagues.
- Home and away cannot contain the same id.
- A match have a unique date if there can't be found a match which have the given date, and one of the teams competing.
- All teams must have the same amount of matches (to make it fair for all)
- Teams must have the same amount of home og away games.
I don't have any code to show because the code I have has become irrelevant (because I'm looking for a different solution). I'm not looking for complete code, just guide me the way.
foreach ($teams as $team_home) {
foreach ($teams as $team_away) {
if ($team_home === $team_away) continue;
if (!isset($represented[$team_home->id]['home'])) $represented[$team_home->id]['home'] = 0;
if (!isset($represented[$team_away->id]['away'])) $represented[$team_away->id]['away'] = 0;
if ($represented[$team_away->id]['away'] == count($dates)/2) continue;
$matches[] = array(
'home' => $team_home->id,
'away' => $team_away->id,
if ($represented[$team_home->id]['home'] == count($dates)/2) break;
The array represented keeps track of how many games the teams play as home and away. Please notice that a team maximum can have 50% of the dates given as home games.
Example output:
[1] => Array
[home] => 14
[away] => 14
[2] => Array
[away] => 14
[home] => 14
[25] => Array
[away] => 9
[home] => 9
As you can see, the last teams which are looped doesn't play 14 home and away games as the others.