
I have small problem with removing a child Layer. I am not sure how to remove the layer correctly.

Here is my code sample


    CCMenuItemImage *lvl1 = newButton(@"retry1", 200, 590, self, @selector(onRetry));
    CCMenuItemImage *lvl2 = newButton(@"retry1", 500, 590, self, @selector(onRetry)); //onHighScore:
    CCMenuItemImage *lvl3 = newButton(@"retry1", 800, 590, self, @selector(onRetry));
    CCMenu *menu = [CCMenu menuWithItems:lvl1, lvl2,lvl3, nil];
    menu.position = ccp(0, 0);
    [GameLayer addChild:menu z:103];

After I press one of this buttons, I need it to be removed. All stuff is going here:

//HERE i need remove menu Child.

    [m_sGo runAction:[CCSequence actions:actionMove, [CCCallFunc actionWithTarget:self selector:@selector(GoMoveSecond)], nil]];

One idea was try make it invisible, but I do not think this would be a suitable option.


2 Answers


You need to store a reference to the child you want to remove (i.e a pointer to it in your @interface).

I'm fairly sure you can assign a CCNode a tag too, so it might be worth looking into that. You can then remove the node based on the tag you assign to it. Both are accessed with removeChild from the parent node.


If you want to remove a subclass of the CCSprite (in this case CCMenuItemImage) then you use the removeChild method from the CCLayer class. In this case:


[self removeChild:lvl1];//This would remove the CCMenuItemImage object called lvl1.

    [m_sGo runAction:[CCSequence actions:actionMove, [CCCallFunc actionWithTarget:self selector:@selector(GoMoveSecond)], nil]];