I need to create a rich:dataTable (or even extended) with the following features:
I have a class Company having a collection of Product objects. I want to show the following table:
I still have not figured out how to do this with a subtable (in all the examples I found the subTable has the exact same columns as the master table). Presumably, I need to play with rowspans in the first two columns, but I still have not found the way.
Could someone provide a pseudo-code for this?
UPDATE 1: I tried set the rowspan of the columns in the left as the size of the list or products, and then :
- if the products is empty (no products for the company yet), I print two columns. I do this conditionally by setting their rendered attribute to #{myFuncs:sizeOf(company.products)}
- If the products are >= 1 then I iterate over them with and inside that loop I insert two columns (one for product name and one for description), and for each product name column except the first one I set the breakBefore attribute to #{ !myFunc:firstProduct(company.products, product)}, which evaluates to true for all product names except the first one.
Unfortunately, this did not work for me, because the columns inside the a4j:repeat do not appear at all - not because of the rendered tag. The loop is correct because if I print standard text else, it appears.
Is there a way to achieve rowspan, or am I banging my head on the wall?
UPDATE 2: The issue is probably related to this article, indicating the differences between iteration components such as < a4j:repeat> and the tag < c:forEach>. The first takes place at rendering time, while the second one operates earlier, when JSF components are placed onto the component tree of the page.
I tried to get the rich:columns outside the a4j:repeat and they get rendered (of course, not as expected, but they do).