Without the sample graph its hard to say why you get something back when you expected something else. You can share a sample graph by including a create statement that would generate said graph, or by creating it in Neo4j console and putting the link in your question. Here is an example of the latter: console.neo4j.org/r/fnnz6b
In the meantime, you probably want to declare the type of the relationships in your pattern. If a :User
has more than one type of outgoing relationships you will be excluding those other paths based on the labels of the nodes on the other end, which is much less efficient than to only traverse the right relationships to begin with.
To my mind its not clear whether (u:User)-->(o:Order)-->(b:Book)
means that a user has one or more orders, and each order consists of one or more books; or if it means only that a user ordered a book. If you can share a sample, hopefully that will be clear too.
Great, so looking at the graph: You get B and D back because others who bought B also bought D, and others who bought D also bought B, which is your criterion for recommendation. You can add a filter in the WHERE
clause to exclude those books that the user has already bought, something like
WHERE NOT (u1)-[:BUY]->()-[:CONTAINS]->(b2)
This will give you A, C, C back, since there are two matching paths to C. It's probably not important to get two result items for C, so you can either limit the return to give only distinct values
or group the return values by counting the matching paths for each result as a 'recommendation score'
RETURN b2, COUNT(b2) as score
Also, if each order only [CONTAINS]
one book, you could try modelling without order, just (:User)-[:BOUGHT]->(:Book)