
I'm new in Android programming's world and I've some problems using JSON to serialize and deserialize an ArrayList of custom objects. I know how to serialize an object, but not if it has an ArrayList as a field.

I found the GSON library but I don't really know how to use it.

I have an ArrayList of a class A which has an ArrayList of a class B. I'm serializing class A using a toJSON() method:

public class A
     //Some fields like title, id...
     private String mTitle;
     private ArrayList<B> mArray; //I don't know how to serialize/deserialize this field

     public A(){...}
     public A(JSONObject json){...}

     public JSONObject toJSON() throws JSONException //method I use to convert my object into a JSONObject
          JSONObject json = new JSONObject();

          return json;

public class B
     //some fields like a double, String...
     public B(){...}   

3 Answers


In case of collection, you must specify the type.

See a Guide User

In your case, I think this will solve:

Type collectionType = new TypeToken<Collection<A>>(){}.getType();
Collection<A> list = gson.fromJson(json, collectionType);   

Where A is your class.


Are you trying to use Parcelable? Try something like this (pseudo code):

public class ParcelableObject implements Parcelable{

List<ObjectB> _customObjectList = new ArrayList<ObjectB>();

public void writeToParcel(Parcel outParcel_, int arg1) {
outParcel_.writeTypedList(_customObjectList); //where _customObjectList is your list variable

//Then in your constructor which takes in a Parcel:

public ParcelableObject(Parcel parcelIn_) {
parcelIn_.readTypedList(_customObjectList, ObjectB.CREATOR);



public class ObjectB implements Parcelable{

int _randomInt;

    public static final Parcelable.Creator<ObjectB> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<ObjectB>() {
        public ObjectBcreateFromParcel(Parcel in) {
            return new ObjectB(in);

        public ObjectB[] newArray(int size) {
            return new ObjectB[size];

    public ObjectB(Parcel parcelIn_) {
          _randomInt = parcelIn_.readInt();


    public void writeToParcel(Parcel out_, int flags) {

What is better is to do something like that:

List<YourObject> myList = new Genson().deserialize(dta.toString(), List.class);