
I have an MVC4 application that is set up for forms authentication and uses the SimpleMembershipProvider.

I have marked all controllers except Account with the [Authorize] attribute.

When I deploy the site to an IIS server, the urls have a "GUID"-like querystring added to them (this doesn't happen on my development machine.

For example:

(dev machine) -   http://mysite/Home/Edit
(iis)             http://mysite/(X(6QK3qJe4dH34ynvHrs3PKduE5dlpsx-8wi5Kno4EXthY8WFPkbYWgNKENdNLbuo2jxazSYYAExxsouPyvfUK22gnZyQ11S-g4eMvPxA5AOoxHcLbSjTciN3VEp56LLYi1WYGKCJ54SVUHADF5J4wa7d3vaf6Y7xTAfOhmryN4iI6_7FC-ppruA9UjADwYwnnPs0))/Home/Edit

This also seems to have the effect that the first time I navigate to another page with an ActionLink, it makes me login again (I assume this is because the guid (I guess this is some authentication token?) is not generated by Html.ActionLink)

How can I get rid of this?

In IIS the authentication settings are

Anonymous Authentication: Enabled

ASP.NET Impersonation: Disabled

Basic Auth: Disabled - HTTP 401 CHallenge

Digest Auth: Disabled - HTTP 401 CHallenge

Forms Auth: Enabled- HTTP 302 Login/Redirect

Windows Auth: Disabled - HTTP 401 CHallenge

In my web.config:

<authentication mode="Forms">
    <forms loginUrl="~/Security/Login" timeout="2880" />

1 Answers


Looks like you're using cookie-less FormsAuthentication. What if you specify the cookieless attribute with UseCookies on the form tag:

<forms loginUrl="~/Security/Login" timeout="2880" cookieless="UseCookies" />

See this article for more information.