I'm trying to install OpenStack compute (nova) .. when I run command **nova list**
then out the results ERROR: You must provide a username via either --os_username or env[OS_USERNAME]
how to code a solution for me?
5 Answers
If you used devstack (http://devstack.org/) to deploy OpenStack you can use openrc trick:
$cd devstack/
$source openrc admin admin # for admin rights
$source openrc demo demo # for demo user
Otherwise you need to export OS variables manually:
$export OS_USERNAME = admin
$export OS_TENANT_NAME = <yourtenant>
$export OS_PASSWORD = <yourpasswd> # password which you used during deployment etc
Related question How to manage users/passwords in devstack?
If you want manually install all the services here's handy manual https://github.com/mseknibilel/OpenStack-Grizzly-Install-Guide/blob/OVS_MultiNode/OpenStack_Grizzly_Install_Guide.rst
I'd recommend to install it once by this manual to learn how it works, and then use latest stable devstack each time when you need to set up a new environment just to save your time.
to remove this error you just need to execute command "source openrc"
where openrc is the file where in all the credentilas are stored .. make sure you have that file in the folder. You might also have name of the file something other than open but it ll end with rc .. just change the name according to your file