
I'm tryint to load table from HCatalog, do some exercises with data and store it into another table.

Source table: stage.iboa_event_definitions

inno_description  string    
inno_id           double    
inno_name     string    
inno_url      string    
inno_valid_from   string    
inno_valid_to     string

Destination table:

create table dictionary (id int,src_id double,source_code string, src_code string,     src_description string, group_code string);

My script:

iboa_event_definitions = LOAD 'stage.iboa_event_definitions' USING org.apache.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader();
iboa_event_definitions_filter = foreach iboa_event_definitions generate inno_id as src_id, 'IBOA' as source_code, inno_name as src_code, inno_description as src_description, '' as group_code;
iboa_event_definitions_filter_id = RANK iboa_event_definitions_filter;
final_table = foreach iboa_event_definitions_filter_id generate rank_iboa_event_definitions_filter as id:int, src_id, source_code as source_code, src_code, 
src_description, group_code;
store final_table into 'dictionary' using org.apache.hcatalog.pig.HCatStorer();

And I get error:

2013-11-26 13:18:06,140 [main] INFO org.apache.pig.tools.pigstats.ScriptState - Pig features used in the script: RANK 2013-11-26 13:18:06,143 [main] INFO org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.rules.ColumnPruneVisitor - Columns pruned for iboa_event_definitions: $3, $4, $5 2013-11-26 13:18:06,212 [main] ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.Grunt - ERROR 1115: Unsupported type: 10 in Pig's schema Details at logfile: /export/home/pig/pig_1385463241554.log

Why? let's check field types.

describe iboa_event_definitions_filter_id;
iboa_event_definitions_filter_id: {rank_iboa_event_definitions_filter: long,src_id: double,source_code: chararray,src_code: chararray,src_description: chararray,group_code: chararray}

describe final_table;
final_table: {id: int,src_id: double,source_code: chararray,src_code: chararray,src_description: chararray,group_code: chararray}

Maybe the error is caused by Long type? But that's why I'm tryint to convert it into int.

Can anyone help me with this issue?



My suggestion is to try to remove most columns to find the bad one. Also you may try to check docs/source to find what "10" means in "Unsupported type: 10 in Pig's schema"Ruslan
I kwot what column is the problem -> the one that is created by RANK operation : rank_iboa_event_definitions_filter.psmith
Correcttion: kwot -> knowpsmith
facing same issue, did you resolved ?Bector

3 Answers


The key part of your error message is:

Unsupported type: 10 in Pig's schema

This occurred for me when I had an INT and tried to store it in a table where, where the corresponding column was a BIGINT.

The solution for me was to change the table (so not the Pig script), after which the store went well.


Type 10 stands for Integer (see http://pig.apache.org/docs/r0.11.1/api/constant-values.html#org.apache.pig.data.DataType.INTEGER). Your pig version does not support writing INT columns.

Use BIGINT as workaround.


I also faced this issue when tried to store an int value [after casting to int] in a table where the corresponding column was a BIGINT.


INT/INTEGER (4-byte signed integer) BIGINT (8-byte signed integer)

Corresponding in Pig

int Signed 32-bit integer

long Signed 64-bit integer

So i cast my value to long and it solved my issue.