
Sample polygon and its illustrated holes

Above is a polygon (gray area) where I subtracted 4 polygons (red, green, purple, and blue areas). Is there a way to get the vertices of the created sub-polygon (small gray polygon)?

Sample polygon, holes removed

The polygons can be of any shape. Also, the side subtracted polygon can lie on the side of the main polygon (that's why I did not call it hole).


2 Answers


You want to look into clipping algorithms like Vatti. Or may be you want some port or binding of gpc.



My proposal is in this particular case that you make an UNION operation of those bright colored polygons. After operation the solution consists of two polygons: The outer which has an orientation CW and a hole polygon which has an orientation of CCW. You need this hole polygon and to know which one of those two is a hole, you can calculate the area of both. The polygon with negative area is a hole polygon.


Clipper library provides you the needed UNION operation and the area calculation operation (as well as many other operations also).

Clipper is available in eg. C++, C#, Delphi and Javascript.

C++, C#, Delphi: https://sourceforge.net/projects/polyclipping/

Javascript: https://sourceforge.net/projects/jsclipper/
Demo: http://jsclipper.sourceforge.net/

The image below is a screenshot of Clipper Javascript Demo. The operation is INTERSECT.

enter image description here