
I'm following realm of racket. The code below throws the following error:

coord-lat: contract violation
expected: coord?
given: #<void>


#lang racket

(require 2htdp/universe 2htdp/image)
(struct coord (alt lat) #:transparent #:mutable)

(define WIDTH 400)
(define HEIGHT 400)
(define UFO *some_picture*)

(define (move-ufo pos)
  (place-image/align UFO
                     (coord-alt pos)
                     (coord-lat pos)
                     "left" "top"
                     (empty-scene WIDTH HEIGHT)))

(define (increment pos)
  (set-coord-alt! pos (+ 2 (coord-alt pos)))
  (set-coord-lat! pos (+ 1 (coord-lat pos))))

 (define (at-the-border pos)
  (>= (coord-lat pos) (- HEIGHT 20)))

(big-bang (coord 0 0)
          (on-tick increment)
          (to-draw move-ufo)
          (stop-when at-the-border))

Adding a (coord? pos) conditional for debug affirmates that the coordinate is not a coord. Defining the current-state as a coord before the big-bang function as below also didn't solve the error:

(define s (coord 0 0))

(big-bang s...

I checked racket contract and struct documents, but couldn't find the cause. Since many examples used define-struct, I also tried it and make-coord, but this also didn't help. Racket document also suggest that struct is preferred.

Adding a contract to the coord

(provide coord)
(define-struct/contract coord ([alt number?]
                               [lat number?])

causes the following error:

    coord-lat: contract violation
 expected: coord?
 given: #<void>
 in: the 1st argument of
      (-> coord? number?)
 contract from: (struct coord)
 blaming: fly-ufo.rkt
 at: fly-ufo.rkt

What may be the cause of the error here?


@Greg Hendershott: set-coord-alt! is in the struct document of racket as:

set-id-field-id!, for each field that includes a #:mutable option, or when the #:mutable option is specified as a struct-option; a mutator procedure that takes an instance of the structure type and a new field value. The structure is destructively updated with the new value, and #<void> is returned.

So, when I read the last sentence, I got why the function returns #<void>, which I somehow missed before. So, in order to return a coord instead of a #<void>, I added a pos in the end of the increment function:

(define (increment pos)
  (set-coord-alt! pos (+ 2 (coord-alt pos)))
  (set-coord-lat! pos (+ 1 (coord-lat pos)))

and it worked.

2nd EDIT

I'm putting this just for future reference. After Metaxal noted that one should create a new struct, I updated the struct as follows:

;; a struct for the current state, where:
;; field 1 is x coordinate
;; field 2 is y coordinate
;; field 3 is horizontal speed
;; field 4 is vertical speed
(struct cs (lat alt hspeed vspeed))

and thereafter, stopping the ufo became as simple as:

(define (stop ufo)
  (cs (cs-lat ufo) (cs-alt ufo) 0 0))

and speeding upwards became:

(define (up-wards ufo)
  (cond [(> (cs-vspeed ufo) (- MAX-SPEED))
         (struct-copy cs ufo [vspeed (sub1 (cs-vspeed ufo))])]
        [#t (play-sound some-sound-file #t)

Now the only thing I wonder is, whether it is imperative style to put play-sound-file and ufo in a cascade in the else branch.

This sure works, but it's not the preferred way to do things in Racket and functional languages. Instead of "mutating" (modifying) an existing pos, you should remove the #:mutable keyword in the struct definition, and in your increment function you should create a new pos (which is actually simpler than mutating one, here).Metaxal
Oh I see, that's what "destructively" means. I like the functional way and am trying to learn the systematic, but I have a hard time figuring out the mutation. Thank you for the hint.barerd
@Metaxal: I tried to create a new pos using struct-copy and some begin statements, but couldn't succeed. Could you very mind to guide me to a document about it?barerd
For this simple struct, you don't really need struct-copy. Simply (define (increment pos) (coord (coord-alt pos) (coord-lat pos))) should do the job. But if you do want to experiment with struct-copy (which is indeed better if the struct is complicated), I think the standard docs should be helpful, if you haven't found them yet: docs.racket-lang.org/reference/struct-copy.htmlMetaxal
I got it, just do a (coord ...) inside a function define.barerd

1 Answers


Generally you'll get an error like given: #<void> when a function is supposed to return a value, but doesn't. For example, bad:

(define (increment x)
  (set! x (add1 x)))
;; set! returns void, therefore increment returns void

vs. good:

(define (increment x)
  (add1 x))
;; returns a number

Although I'm not familiar with big-bang it looks like you have a similar issue:

(define (increment pos)
  (set-coord-alt! pos (+ 2 (coord-alt pos)))
  (set-coord-lat! pos (+ 1 (coord-lat pos))))

  . . . .

(big-bang (coord 0 0)
          (on-tick increment)
          (to-draw move-ufo)
          (stop-when at-the-border))

It looks like all the variants of the on-tick clause in big-bang are supposed to return HandlerResult, not #<void>.

Source: http://docs.racket-lang.org/teachpack/2htdpuniverse.html#(form._world._((lib._2htdp/universe..rkt)._to-draw))

What is set-coord-alt! and what does it return?