
Recently implemented in-app billing for my app and everything seems to be working fine.

Followed the instructions in Testing in-app Billing, used the android.test.purchased id to simulate the purchase.

Reason I say seems to work is because the purchase flow works fine, pops up the dialog, shows 'payment successful' and able to query the inventory after purchase etc

However, I do not see any orders listed in my Google Wallet Merchant Centre. I noticed this, because I wanted to cancel an order to re-test the purchase.

The tutorial implies that test purchases will be listed and you can cancel manually:

Cancelling completed test purchases
Cancel purchases manually—you can go to the Google Wallet Merchant Center, look up the transaction, and then cancel it. You can find transactions by looking up their order numbers.

Also, I've noticed that when setting up the IabHelper it doesn't matter if I put in my Base64-encoded public key, or a random string, the IabHelper always successfully starts up. For example, the following works:

mIabHelper = new IabHelper(this, "this-can-be-any-string");

Despite the transaction flow seemingly working properly, given the two points:

  • No transactions visible in Google Wallet Merchant Centre
  • IabHelper is indifferent to a random string vs my public key

I am wondering if I've done something wrong.

Does anyone have any suggestions/know what is going on?


1 Answers


Purchases will not be listed on your developer console, when you use the IDs


These are product IDs for static responses, used to only simulate the testing, during early stages of development. For testing your app with real-time test purchases, you might want to do things that are suggested in the section Setting Up for Test Purchases of your link and here

Test your public key relevance when you tryout the real test purchase. It is more likely that the IABHelper is indifferent only incase of static testing. Ideally, you should get a 'Signature Mismatch Error' when the public Keys don't match.