
Generally speaking, let's say I create a small, simple FLA animation that simply takes the text "Take a look at Tuesday's Deals!" and moves it across the screen. I then build and generate the SWF file.

Is it somehow possible to create this FLA file so that, once the SFW is built, I can change the text without having to open the FLA and recreating the SWF?

Can it be done with images? For example, I create a FLA with a 50x50px image that moves across the screen. Can I switch to another 50x50px image without having to rebuild the SWF?

The reason I ask is because I can create the initial FLA, but I won't be able to modify. The person that will deal with modifying the text and/or image doesn't know Flash.



3 Answers


Yes, you can load content dynamically at run-time. The design of your application should be such that it loads an xml file or something of that nature to specify what artwork/text to use.

So you need to load an XML file , or some other type of data.

Then dynamically load audio/artwork based on that data.

You can even make the app so that it can load other .swf files with new content.


You can use command line assembler/disassembler to do this. Here are the two command line assembler/disassembler I know.



Disassemble the swf using either one of this, you will get text file.

In your case you can define a variable for text and find and replace the text.

And finally assemble it a swf.

Hope this helps.


you can pass parameters to the swf containing information to be used.

http://www.mysite.com/banner/banner.swf?text="my text"&image="image1"    

var flashVars:Object = this.root.loaderInfo.parameters;
var text:String = flashVars["text"];
var imagetype:String = flashVars["image"];

In the code you treat the data to be received.