Currently I can successfully connect and run queries from Python on HIVE using hive_utils doing the following:
import hive_utils
query = """ select * from table
where partition = x
conn = hive_utils.HiveClient(server=x, port=10000,db='default')
a = conn.execute(query)
a = list(a)
Queries that include conditional statements however (and that work over HUE) such as:
query = """ select * from table
where partition = x
and app_id = y
have returned this error:
HiveServerException: errorCode=1, message='Query returned non-zero code:1' cause: FAILED: Execution Error return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MapRedTask SQLState=’08S01’
Since i am not sending any kind of user information when i establish a connection, I suspect the error is due to the type of permissions available to whichever user is being set.
How do I identify myself as a particular user?