I have a directed, weighted graph. Each node of the graph is represented as a 2-tuple, whose first element is the name of the node and whose second element is a tuple containing all vertices originating from this node, ordered by their weight. Basically the weight of each vertex is its index inside this tuple.
Exempli gratia:
a = ('A', () )
is a node with name A from where no vertices originate.
b = ('B', () )
a = ('A', (b,) )
is a node with name A with one vertex to the node named B, with a weight of 0.
b = ('B', () )
c = ('C', () )
a = ('A', (b, c) )
is a node with name A with two vertices to the nodes named B and C, the first of weight 0 and the second of weight 1.
It is apparent that ('A', (b, c) )
is not equal to ('A', (c, b) )
Now I need to serialize this graph according to these rules:
- The first element of the result is the starting node.
- Then follow all nodes directly accessible from the starting node in order of ascending weight. If a node is already in the result, do not append it again.
- Now apply rules one and two recursively to all elements just added.
Basically, low-to-high (weight) first, depth second.
Here an example input and output:
f = ('F', () )
e = ('E', () )
d = ('D', (e,) )
c = ('C', (f, d, e) )
b = ('B', (d,) )
a = ('A', (b, c) )
results in:
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F', 'E']
Now my first naive approach was this:
def serialize (node):
acc = []
def serializeRec (node, level):
tbd = [] #acc items to be deleted
tbi = False #insertion index
for idx, item in enumerate (acc):
if item [1] > level and tbi == False:
tbi = idx
if item [0] == node [0]:
if item [1] > level: tbd.append (item)
else: break
if tbi == False: acc.append ( (node [0], level) )
else: acc.insert (tbi, (node [0], level) )
for item in tbd:
acc.remove (item)
for vertex in node [1]:
serializeRec (vertex, level + 1)
serializeRec (node, 0)
#remove levels
return [node for node, level in acc]
Which apparently is quite a bad idea, because in each recursion I iterate over various lists. This is why I switched to dictionaries:
def serializeDict (node):
levels = defaultdict (list) #nodes on each level
nodes = {} #on which level is which node
def serializeRec (node, level):
curLevel = nodes [node [0] ]
if curLevel > level:
nodes [node [0] ] = level
levels [curLevel].remove (node [0] )
levels [level].append (node [0] )
nodes [node [0] ] = level
levels [level].append (node [0] )
for vertex in node [1]:
serializeRec (vertex, level + 1)
serializeRec (node, 0)
#flatten dict items
return [node for level in (v for _, v in sorted (levels.items (), key = lambda x: x [0] ) ) for node in level]
Which runs a lot faster except for very small graphs.
My question is now:
How can I optimize this serialization with the goal of minimizing run-time?
Memory usage is of no concern (yeah, baby), KLOC is of no concern, only run-time counts. Everything can be changed, except the format of the input data. But if at the end it saves time, I will gladly reorganize this data inside the serialization function.
I thank you very much for reading this TL;DR wall of words.
Sample graph for fooling around:
z = ('Z', () ); y = ('Y', (z,) ); x = ('X', (z, y) ); w = ('W', (x, y, z) ); v = ('V', (w, x) ); u = ('U', (w, v) ); t = ('T', (u, w) ); s = ('S', (z, v, u) ); r = ('R', (t, u, z) ); q = ('Q', (r, z) ); p = ('P', (w, u) ); o = ('O', (v, r, q) ); n = ('N', (r, z) ); m = ('M', (t,) ); l = ('L', (r,) ); k = ('K', (x, v) ); j = ('J', (u,) ); i = ('I', (n, k) ); h = ('H', (k, x) ); g = ('G', (l,) ); f = ('F', (t, m) ); e = ('E', (u,) ); d = ('D', (t, e, v) ); c = ('C', (m,) ); b = ('B', (n,) ); a = ('A', (g, m, v) )