
I know this should be easy, but I'm just not finding it. We have a program that creates a new folder automatically in Users/Shared/. The folder is a different name every time. So that's the variable.

I need a folder action that will do the following:

When new folder is copied or created in Users/Shared/,

Create (or copy from another location) two new folders inside that new folder, one named "To" and one named "From".

I tried "recording" one, but it did nothing.

Thanks for any help!


1 Answers



on adding folder items to theFolder after receiving droppedItems
    repeat with anItem in droppedItems
        tell application "System Events" to get kind of (contents of anItem) = "Folder"
        if the result then do shell script "mkdir -p " & (quoted form of (POSIX path of anItem)) & "{\"To\",\"From\"}"
    end repeat
end adding folder items to