I am editing a template in typo3. I have problem with adding content into footer. In my index.html my footer looks like this:
<div id="footer">
<div id="footerLeft"></div>
<ul id="footerCenter"> </ul>
<div id="footerRight"> </div>
I have managed to put background image to my footer, and stick it at the bottom of my page in css:
background:url(../img/prechod_stranka-paticka1920x145.png) no-repeat top center;
Now, I want to put some content in divs(footerLeft, footerCenter, footerRight). These divs were part of the template from the beginning of my work on this website. I am having very hard time to find a place where to put that content. In "footerCenter", there is already Menu of my page. However, in typo3 backend I cannot see where it is.
Can anyone help me please?Thx