The following file is verbatim from one of my projects, and should give you an idea.
Notice it tries to find the default version of Python to link against. There might be better ways of doing this.
Feel free to ask questions in comments if something is not clear.
The Boost Python module that is built with this SConstruct is called genocpp
. You should be able to build it if you clone
the project code, assuming you are using Linux. With Windows it will be more difficult.
You can also find this file online at as part of the SNPPy project code.
import commands, glob, os
# Common file, for both executables and Python Interface
common_files = """geno print"""
def pyversion():
pystr = commands.getoutput('python -V')
version = pystr.split(' ')[1]
major, minor = version.split('.')[:2]
return major + '.' + minor
common_base = Split(common_files)
common = [f + ".cpp" for f in common_base]
common_obj = [f+".o" for f in common_base]
# For Python interface only
pif_conv = Split("cppvec_conv cppmap_conv cppset_conv cppunicode_conv")
pif_conv_files = [t+"_pif.cpp" for t in pif_conv]
pif = Split("geno")
pif_files = [t+"_pif.cpp" for t in pif]
# Boost Python Environment
boost_python_env = Environment(
CPPPATH=["/usr/include/python"+pyversion(), "."],
CXXFLAGS='-ftemplate-depth-100 -fPIC -Wall -Werror -pedantic -pipe -O3 -ffast-math -march=opteron',
LIBS=["python"+pyversion(), "m", "boost_python"],
SHLIBPREFIX="", #gets rid of lib prefix
test_env = Environment(
CXXFLAGS='-Wall -Werror -pedantic -O0 -g',
# Build boost python module
boost_python_env.SharedLibrary(target='genocpp', source = common + pif_conv_files + pif_files)
test_env.Program(target='geno_test', source = common + ["geno_test.cpp"])