
What I need:
A) create Human mesh with a skeleton in blender (2.69)
B) export in json with blender plugin
C) create Threejs app and move mesh manually editing bones position and rotation (quaternion). Data come from sensor a like kinect.

What I do:
A) done: all the bones have roll at 0°.
B) done: I export checking "Vertices", "Faces", "Bones", "Skinning", "Materials", "Colors", "All mesh".
C) done: I create mesh loading json:

  var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
  loader.load("../skeleton.js", function(geometry, materials) {
    materials[0].skinning = true;
    callback(new THREE.SkinnedMesh(geometry, materials[0]));

And then add mesh in scene.

I tried with ALL the possible configuration, but while "torso", "neck" and "head" seem to work well, other joints make the mesh deformed.

Has anyone had a similar experience?

Make sure to apply the scale and rotation of the rig in blender. I did this, and it fixed my similar problem with makehuman nightly. It ruined my animations in blender however :(beiller

1 Answers


I've had some problems exporting bones animation as well. What worked for me was following advice from this article: threejs-blender-exporting-skeletal-animations