I want to compile some JS files inside a folder using the closure compiler, the issue I am facing is that when I am trying to compile the files in a folder(which contains JS files) whose name has got a whitespace, the closure compiler breaks and cannot recognize the path. Eg If the folder name that I want to compile is D:\New Folder, it doesn't works but if the name is D:\NewFolder it works.
The exact command I am using to run the closure in command prompt is
C:\closure-compiler>java -jar compiler.jar D:\New Folder\\*.js --js_output_file D:\Output.js
But when I run the following command it works
C:\closure-compiler>java -jar compiler.jar D:\NewFolder\\*.js --js_output_file D:\Output.js
(Where closure-compiler is the directory which contains the closure compiler jar file). I am running Closure Compiler on Windows 7 Enterprise and invoking it from the command line.
Is there a way that I* can resolve it?
somProgram -someSwitch c:/some path/file.ext
would be a problem as is, and would be re-written assomProgram -someSwitch 'c:/some path/file.ext'
– enhzflep