
I have created a package in Joomla 3 that includes a module and a plugin. It installs both the module and plugin correctly but the plugin is disabled by default. Is there a way to make the plugin enabled by default- perhaps in the xml manifest of the package? I am unable to figure this out.


2 Answers


As @lodder already mentioned you can write your install script like

public function install ($parent)
    $query = "update `#__extensions` set enabled=1 where type = 'plugin' and element = 'your-extension'";
    $db = JFactory::getDBO();

    // Probably you want to enable the module on all pages too
    $query = "insert into `#__modules_menu` (menuid, moduleid) select 0 as menuid, id as moduleid from `#__modules` where module like 'mod_my-awesome-menu%'";

You can find my working example here https://github.com/Digital-Peak/DPAttachments/blob/master/com_dpattachments/script.php#L15


I think the best way would be to run a sql statement after installation that get the plugin by ID and change its status from 0 to 1