
I try to compile my app against the iOS 6 SDK under Xcode 5. I followed some tutorials how to use old iOS SDK's in Xcode 5: copy the SDK from an old Xcode (4.6.3) into Xcode 5.

Everything seems to be fine, I set the "Base SDK" to "iOS 6.1" and the "iOS Deployment Target" to "iOS 5.0" and download the iOS 6.1 simulator. But I get a lot of errors when I try to compile the app, like 'UIAccelerometer' is unavailable: not available on OS X

I don't want to build my app for OS X, only for iOS! I checked "Supported Platforms", but it is correcty set to "iOS".

enter image description here

enter image description here

Try to delete derived data of your application. And clean your app then compile again.Bhumeshwer katre
@Bhumeshwerkatre: YES!! Now, everything works! Thank you very much!!Manni

1 Answers

  • close Xcode
  • delete contents of the folder /Users/.../Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
  • Xcode -> Product -> Clean
  • Xcode -> Product -> Build