
I have looked for a long time for escaping special characters like #, {, , [, ], ... while in wildcard search in Lucene.NET, but I can´t find any possible solutions.

I have index my documents using StandardAnalyzer. The field "title" has the attributs Field.Store.YES and Field.Index.ANALYZED.
While searching I called MultiFieldQueryParser.Escape for my searchterm. The escaped query looks right but parsing the term remove the escaping characters. So my search can not find any results.

searchterm: Klammer[affe]
escaped searchterm: *Klammer\\[affe\\]*
after parsing: title:*Klammer[affe]*

So, how can I escape special characters in wildcard-Search?

I have no confidence I am looking at what you actually intended. Can you please lose the italics, and enclose code elements (especially your search terms, etc) in backticks (`)? Looking at *title:*Klammer[affe]**, I have no idea which are supposed to be italics, and which are supposed to be actual asterisksfemtoRgon

2 Answers


You could also use the Lucene implementation QueryParser.Escape(searchQuery).


From the lucene documentation

Escaping Special Characters

Lucene supports escaping special characters that are part of the query syntax. The current list special characters are

+ - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ /

To escape these character use the \ before the character. For example to search for (1+1):2 use the query:


So your query should be *Klammer\[affe\]*

But the standard analyzer deletes those characters so you need to index the original content differently.

See this related questions answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/17628127/956658. Another question with some info on changing the analyzing method How to perform a lucene query containing special character using QueryParser?