I only have one frame in my flash activity. In the actions layer, it creates a variable called
var placedOnCard1 = '';
There are 2 blue circles, 1 red card and a submit button. When you drag the circle and place it on card 1, placedOnCard1 = 'circleOne'. If you drag the second circle and place it on card 1, placedOnCard1 = 'circleTwo'. This works.
Now, the code for the submit button is
on (release) {
trace('when clicking submit, card on cardOnAns1 is ' + placedOnCard1);
Whenever I drag either of the circles on the card, the variable placedOnCard1 changes correctly but when I click submit, placedOnCard1 goes back to being just '' (an empty string). Why is this and how do I stop this from happening?
Note that in my actions layer, I also tried doing this
trace('placedOnCard1 gets reset');
placedOnCard1 = '';
and it only traced 'placedOnCard1 gets reset' once, it didn't reset the variable after I clicked submit so why does placedOnCard1 become an empty string after I click submit even though I'm not even switching frames? The whole flash activity is just on one frame.