I'm researching how to set up a Coldfusion 8 (CF) data source that uses Oracle TNS under CentOS. I checked out this Stackoverflow article. But, I'm still having some difficulty. I got a copy of our tnsnames.ora
file and put it on the server at /coldfusion/install/folder/TNSNamesFolder/TNSNames.ora
. I downloaded the latest Oracle JDBC drivers for 11g, put them in a folder in the class path and restarted CF. I verified that the new JAR files were picked up by viewing the settings summary. The JDBC URL I'm using is:
jdbc:oracle:thin:TNSNamesFile=/coldfusion/install/folder/TNSNamesFolder/TNSNames.ora/TNSNames.ora; TNSServerName=%TNSEntry%
But, I'm getting the following error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection. Another issue that occurred to me is that if there's another JDBC driver for Oracle in the class path, how do I know what JAR it's in? How do I make sure that these new JDBC drivers are the only ones in use for Oracle?