
I am facing a problem of Selenium Grid and TestNG. My test scripts will NOT quite the browser until all the test class are executed.

I've configed 5 Chrome instance running on my Selenium Grid, then below is my xml file

   <suite name="BrowserTest">            
   <test name="Test1" >
        <parameter name="browserName" value="chrome"/>
            <class name= "Pagetest" />

    <test name="Test2" >
        <parameter name="browserName" value="firefox"/>
            <class name= "Pagetest" />

  <test name="Overview Page Test on ie, English" >
        <parameter name="browserName" value="ie"/>
            <class name= "Pagetest" />

Here is my test scripts public class Pagetest { private WebDriver browser;

    public PateTest( String browser){
        // create a browser instance.

   @AfterClass (or @afterTest)   
   public void afterTest() throws Exception {
        System.out.println("this test is done");

   public void test1(){
       // doing some login stuff


Now when I am running my test, testNG will create 3 chrome webdirver instance one by one (with running the test). but after the 1st test is done, the browser instance of 1st test is not quited until all 3 tests are done, then all the 3 chrome instance are quited almost at the same time. What I want is after the 1st test is done, it's browser instance is quited, then the 2nd test case is started, did I do something wrong or how should I change my code?


1 Answers


Try using threadlocal it would help when you are even running tests in parallel

public ThreadLocal<WebDriver> driver=null;


public void setUp
driver = new ThreadLocal<WebDriver>();
driver.set(new ChromeDriver());
 return driver.get();

public void closeBrowser() {
