In geom_text(...)
, the default dataset is only sometimes subsetted based on facet variables. Easiest to explain with an example.
This example attempts to simulate pairs(...) with ggplot (and yes, I know about lattice, and plotmatrix, and ggpairs – the point is to understand how ggplot works).
require(reshape2) # for melt(…)
require(plyr) # for .(…)
Extract mgp, hp, disp, and wt from mtcars, use cyl as grouping factor
xx <- data.table(mtcars)
xx <- data.table(id=rownames(mtcars),xx[,list(group=cyl, mpg, hp, disp, wt)])
Reshape so we can use ggplot facets.
yy <- melt(xx,id=1:2,"H","xval")
yy <- data.table(yy,key="id,group")
ww <- yy[,list(V=H,yval=xval), key="id,group"]
zz <- yy[ww,allow.cartesian=T]
In zz,
H: facet variable for horizontal direction
V: facet variable for vertical direction
xval: x-value for a given facet (given value of H and V)
yval: y-value for a given facet
Now, the following generates something close to pairs(…)
ggp <- ggplot(zz, aes(x=xval, y=yval))
ggp <- ggp + geom_point(subset =.(H!=V), size=3, shape=1)
ggp <- ggp + facet_grid(V~H, scales="free")
ggp <- ggp + labs(x="",y="")
In other words, the values of xvar and yvar used in geom_point are appropriate for each facet; they have been subsetted based on the value of H and V. However, adding the following to center the variable names in the diagonal facets:
ggp + geom_text(subset = .(H==V),aes(label=factor(H),
gives this:
It appears that H has been subsetted properly for each facet (e.g. the labels are correct), but xvar and yvar seem to apply to the whole dataset zz, not to the subset corresponding to H and V for each facet.
My question is: In the above, why are xvar and yvar treated differently than H in aes? Is there a way around this? {Note: I am much more interested in understanding why this is happening, than in a workaround.]