I have an XML file to be processed in a MapReduce job. While I can process it when it is uncompressed, it does not work when I compress it to bz2 format and store it in hdfs. Do I need to make some changes like specify what codec to use - I don't know where to do that. Any example would be great. I am using XMLInputFormat from mahaout to read the uncompressed XML file. I used bzip2
command to compress the file and hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal
to copy the file to DFS. I am interested in reading and processing content inside <page></page>
tag of the xml document. I am using hadoop-1.2.1 distribution. I can see there is FileOutputFormat.setOutputCompressorClass
, but there isn't anything similar for FileInputFormat.
Here is the Main
class of my job.
public class Main extends Configured implements Tool {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
int res = ToolRunner.run(new Configuration(), new Main(), args);
public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length != 2) {
System.err.println("Usage: hadoop jar XMLReaderMapRed "
+ " [generic options] <in> <out>");
return 1;
Job job = new Job(getConf(), "XMLTest");
//Specify the start and end tag that has content
getConf().set(MyXMLInputFormat.START_TAG_KEY, "<page>");
getConf().set(MyXMLInputFormat.END_TAG_KEY, "</page>");
FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(args[0]));
FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(args[1]));
boolean success = job.waitForCompletion(true);
return success ? 0 : 1;
Edit: Reading from Hadoop - The Definitive Guide by Tom White, it is mentioned that "if your input files are compressed, they will be decompressed automatically as they are read by mapReduce, using the filename extension to determine which codec to use." So the file is decompressed automatically, but then why there is empty file created in output directory ?