I am developing an IOS app using Adobe AIR, Flash and ActionScript 3 and I have divided sections up into separate SWF files. I have successfully gotten the app to load external SWFs and execute their ActionScript using the following code:
var proloader:ProLoader = new ProLoader();
proloader.load(new URLRequest("file.swf"), new LoaderContext(false, ApplicationDomain.currentDomain, null));
Now, I would like to add a reset button that allows the user to return to the start of the first SWF from any other SWF file to restart the app. Unfortunately, it seems that whenever I try to load a SWF that has previously been loaded, nothing happens. I have read that unloading and reloading SWFs is not permitted on IOS and the fact that you are limited to one ApplicationDomain on IOS makes things difficult. However, I am still thinking there must be some workaround. I'd be okay with not ever unloading the external SWFs if that is the only way, but I still can't figure out a way to return to a SWF that was previously loaded.
Does anyone know of a way to return to a SWF that was previously loaded in IOS with Adobe Air?