
i want to add custom menu items to grid column header - which i can do, but apparently it's available only if the custom menu is available. but if i don't want my columns to be sortable or hideable, the custom menu isn't displayed. the way in which i create my custom menu is as follows:

    var menu = Ext.getCmp('pairsGrid').headerCt.getMenu();
    var customEls = menu.add([{
        xtype: 'menu',
        floating: false,
                text: 'Management',
                iconCls: 'edit',
                menu: {
                    xtype: "menu",
                    items: [
                            text: 'Start'
                            text: 'Stop'

if in my columns config i have sortable: false and hideable: false my custom menu won't be displayed; otherwise, it's there. is there any other way to create the menu, or somehow have it visible without the default menu? cheers, eRez


1 Answers


You can force menu to be visible by overriding beforeRender method on column:

    text     : 'xxx',
    sortable : false,
    hideable : false,
    dataIndex: 'xxx',
    beforeRender: function() {
        this.menuDisabled = false;

Sample: http://jsfiddle.net/sg9w7/1/