I am a proficient programmer in C++, and recently I decided to try and use Actionscript to make a small flash game.I have been having some trouble getting started. I'm not sure what classes should link to what MovieClips and vice versa? The problem is that with the code below, my DeerCartoon MovieClip does not appear on the stage when I run it.
Anyways, All I'm trying to do is create a "Deer" object and have it appear on my stage when I instantiate it.
Here's my code:
import flash.display.*;
public class Deer extends MovieClip
public function Deer()
import flash.display.*;
public class Main extends DeerMassacre2
public function Main()
var d:Deer = new Deer();
The name of the actionscript program is DeerMassacre2 (the name of my game)
I have no code in the timeline and nothign on the stage yet.
Could someone please help me out?
Thanks in Advance!
class? and what compiler errors you get when you run? my answer will depend on these answers. – Amer