
I'm trying to find a quick fix here, when i resize SlickGrid column, the header row is few pixel off with respect to the body of the grid. I tried syncColumnCellResize: true, but still couldn't solve the issue, any suggestion is greatly appreciated.

  1. Before Resize, columns align perfectly enter image description here

  2. After resize, please note header row is few pixel off enter image description here

3.Grid Options (i'm using ColumnPicker plugin)

  var options = {
    editable: true,
    enableCellNavigation: true,
    enableColumnReorder: true,
    showHeaderRow: true,
    headerRowHeight: 30,
    explicitInitialization: true,
    enableTextSelectionOnCells: true,
    syncColumnCellResize: true,
    autoEdit: false
you need to post your code, or at least some of your grid options...just displaying an image is not enough to help you outghiscoding
Grid options included, thanks.vindh123

2 Answers


I had similar problems with misalignment and only seem to resolve it by using the forceFitColumns: true and setting the 3 properties of minWidth, width, maxWidth... You can also check these questions which I also provided answers, it might as well help you out:
Slickgrid: Final column auto size to use all remaining space
Slickgrid column width should automatically get resized according to widest row content


If you are using bootstrap or some other css lib. you can try add the following css to your code .

/* compatible with both IE and Chrome */
.slick-header-columns * {
-webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
-moz-box-sizing: content-box;
box-sizing: content-box;