I have a rails 4.0.1 ruby 2.0.0 app.
I'm locally precompiling: RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile.
My configurations in production.rb file are: config.serve_static_assets = true config.assets.compile = true
The images in my app/assets/images folder are in the public/assets folder, for example 'starsw600-xxxlongnumberxxx.png'
When I deploy in Heroku I get " Detected manifest file, assuming assets were compiled locally" and my images show up.
My question is when I inspect the image I get 'background-image url("http://abc-abc-abc.herokuapp.com/assets/starsw600.png")'
Same as when I don't precompile. When I inspect the element shouldn't I get 'background-image url("http://abc-abc-abc.herokuapp.com/public/assets/starsw600-xxxlongnumberxxx.png")'
thus verifying that heroku is using the locally precompiled images that I made?
When I change config.assets.compile to false 'config.assets.compile = false' the images don't show.
So question is: If I locally precompile, should my images when inspected show the long precompiled name?
This is my stylesheet ricardoorangetest/app/assets/stylesheets/show.css.scss
.stars {
border-width:2px 0px 0px 0px;