I have a Excel VBA application which has been working fine in Excel 2003 but failed in Excel 2010.
The relative codes are
Public Sub Create_Chart
Dim c
Dim OutputText As String
OutputText = OutputSource
With ActiveSheet
obj.Range(DataRange).NumberFormat = "0.0%"
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=obj.Range(DataRange)
End With
End Sub
The error message appears when debugger hits ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=objNBR.Range(DataRange) with this window -
The DataRange in debugger is F2:R2, F3:R3 with the obj pointing to the right Excel form -
The the ActiveChart is from a template -
My debugger shows "ActiveChart.ChartArea.Select" is true. And ActiveChart and obj are valid objects.
Most important is that Excel 2003 works fine. I use the debugger to compare the Excel 2003 and 2010 obj and ActiveChart. And I can not find much different in terms of codes. I do see my template for the ActiveChart is a bit different in 2003 -
The original template is exactly the same as shown in 2010 but it has been auto zeroed out during copied to the working sheet in 2003. That is the only difference I can notice between 2003 and 2010. I am not sure that can cause this error.
I am not sure whether I have missed any evidence. The error message does not give much details. Is there any other ways to get more debug info?
I appreciate it if anyone can help me find the problems and fixes.
Thanks in advance
Edit1: The obj is created in another routine and the DataRange are populeted in that routine -
MyWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Set obj = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
And then the data is inserted to DataRange cells - F2:R2, F3:R3. I can see the Excel file shown with the correct data.
Edit2 The Workbooks(NewWorkBook) in the above sub is generated from these codes and I can see the new Excel with the chart is shown on the screen -
NewWorkBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Windows(NewWorkBook).Visible = True
Edit3 Use Sid's approach to declare the object first in this way -
Public Sub Create_Chart()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim objChrt As ChartObject
Dim Chrt As chart
Set wb = Workbooks(NewWorkBook)
Set ws = wb.Sheets(1)
Set objChrt = ws.ChartObjects(1)
Set Chrt = objChrt.chart
With wb
obj.Range(DataRange).NumberFormat = "0.0%"
'Chrt.Export ("c:\temp\testChrt.gif")
'With obj.PageSetup
' .PrintArea = DataRange
' .Zoom = False
' .FitToPagesTall = 1
' .FitToPagesWide = 1
' .Orientation = xlLandscape
' End With
' obj.PrintOut Copies:=1
Chrt.SetSourceData Source:=obj.Range(DataRange)
End With
End Sub
The error is exactly the same. Please notice that I have the commented out codes to print out and save the Chrt and obj.Range(DataRange) objects. The values are the same as image 2 and image 3 in the above. So chart and data are there. I just wonder why "Chrt.SetSourceData Source:=obj.Range(DataRange)" does not work in this case in 2010 but work in 2003.
? What isDataRange
? Also instead of using ActiveChart or Activesheet, you might want to create relevant objects and work with it? – Siddharth Rout