I'm using Crystal Reports to generate report definition *.rpt files. I later create reports using those definition files from inside my application.
I have a special image called the logo that sits in my application's file directory. I'd like to reference this logo on my crystal report. The logo is always located a couple directories up from my report, but the root directory and the host computer can change between installations, so the file structure could look like this:
image: c:\files\logo.png
report: c:\files\reports\type1\myreport.rpt
or like this:
image: \\filehost\files\logo.png
report: \\filehost\\files\reports\type1\myreport.rpt
Does Crystal have a way to reference this image in a formula with a relative path? Does the .rpt file contain a reference to it's file location that I could build off of to grab this image?
Edit: @campagnolo_1 mentions that Crystal has a "File Path and Name" special field, but I don't see a way to use that in the image file location script.
Edit 2: @campagnolo_1 has provided a solution in the comments on his answer. Thanks campagnolo_1!