
In an SSRS 2008 R2 existing report, I want to change the report so the users have the option to hide headers when they export the report to excel. By allowing the users to hide headers when they export the SSRS 2008 report to excel, they can sort and filter the data. This avoids allowing excel to display an error in a popup window saying there are merged cell.

My question is when I hide the headers and export the report to excel, there is a blank line in excel before the data and column headers appear. Basically row # 1 in cell in blank and data and column headers show up starting in column #2.

Thus can you tell me how to remove the blank row in row #1 when the data is exported to excel?

Hi hide a header,column,textbox,etc is only a visual effect, if you can't see still this header,column,textbox,etc is occupying a spaceRyuzaki
How do you remove the space?user1816979
You can't remove that space as i told you if you can't see this header still is occupying a spaceRyuzaki

3 Answers


I believe I have been able to duplicate your issue. Be sure that there is no space between your table and the report header. I find that setting the location property of the tablix to 0,0 is the best way to ensure that there is no space there. By removing the space, you should get your tablix headers as the first row in excel.

Here's an article I wrote giving screen shots and step-by-step instructions.



Use render format in an expression , to toggle the visiblity of the text box so the header appears empty

=iif(Globals!RenderFormat.Name = "EXCEL" ,  true, false

Note the EXCEL should be in caps for Excel 2003 (xls) and EXCELOPENXML for Excel 2007-2010 (xlsx) if using SQl 2012


Changing the tablix location to 0cm, 0cm , will fix the problem.