
I was wondering if somebody can help me to solve this problem. I am trying to use FB.AppRequest() in Facebook SDK for Unity to implement an Invite feature . This is the code which I use.

        message: "Let's eat and be prosperous!",
        title: "Let's eat and be prosperous!",
        callback: InviteCallback

// ... 

void InviteCallback(FBResult response)
    // print response to console

The invitation dialog which I get can be seen here (link to Imgur). There is no "Invite" label on those buttons, and unsurprisingly, clicking them does not send any invitation. However, I can see the FBResult data, which is in the following format:

    "request": "ABCD",   

(more or less, since I haven't found a way to print new lines to Firebug console)

Additional information:

  • The result is the same regardless of the Sandbox setting.
  • The Unity version is 4.3.0f4
  • The Facebook SDK for Unity version is 4.3.4
  • The binary is hosted on an intranet server.
  • The Invite functionality in the Friend Smash example, hosted on the same server, doesn't work either. However, this is before the latest Friend Smash update (11/11/2013), whose Facebook functionalities I can't get to work yet.
  • Other Facebook functionalities (e.g. Init, Feed, API) work well.

I can't find any information about this on the internet. There are other questions about the Invite feature not working, but without the Facebook SDK for Unity, so I am not sure how they can be helpful to me.

Thanks a lot!


1 Answers


Just to clarify: the envelope button sends the invite, and it does so immediately when it is clicked.

If your app is in sandbox mode, people won't get notified when the request is sent. Look for the request in https://www.facebook.com/appcenter/requests as the recipient and see if the request shows up there.

If this still doesn't work, can you send me your fbresult data? [email protected]. thanks!