I've got a view which houses a number of sub views. My plan was to make use of Marionette's layout object as a skeletal view like so:
function (app, ListView, template) {
'use strict';
var View = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend({
template : _.template(template),
id : 'orders',
regions : {
list : '#list'
initialize : function () {
this.listView = new ListView({
collection : this.collection
// And render it here? Seems like a bad idea.
return View;
ListView is a composite view I created:
function (app, ListItem, template) {
'use strict';
var View = Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
template : _.template(template),
itemView : ListItem,
itemViewContainer : '.items',
return View;
The problem is if when I pass listView to the region, it doesn't render with a list of items from my collection. It only renders the wrapper. If I call the render method on listView directly and check the element ... everything is constructed correctly.
Does the layout code stop the composite view from rendering properly? am I rendering at the wrong place? Perhaps this isn't even a proper way of working sub-views?
Any help appreciated!
Note: Collection is made from hard coded values for testing purposes.