In reference to the below code, what I am looking to do is rather than process an entire folder I would like only to process the emails that I selected. Otherwise it works perfectly.
Requires the following references:
- Visual Basic for Applications
- Microsoft Outlook 14.0 Object Library
- OLE Automation
- Microsoft Office 14.0 Object Library
Microsoft Shell Controls and Automation
Public Sub SaveOLFolderAttachments() ' Ask the user to select a file system folder for saving the attachments Dim oShell As Object Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") Dim fsSaveFolder As Object Set fsSaveFolder = oShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Please Select a Save Folder:", 1) If fsSaveFolder Is Nothing Then Exit Sub ' Note: BrowseForFolder doesn't add a trailing slash ' Ask the user to select an Outlook folder to process Dim olPurgeFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder Set olPurgeFolder = Outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI").PickFolder If olPurgeFolder Is Nothing Then Exit Sub ' Iteration variables Dim msg As Outlook.MailItem Dim att As Outlook.Attachment Dim sSavePathFS As String Dim sDelAtts As String For Each msg In olPurgeFolder.Items sDelAtts = "" ' We check each msg for attachments as opposed to using .Restrict("[Attachment] > 0") ' on our olPurgeFolder.Items collection. The collection returned by the Restrict method ' will be dynamically updated each time we remove an attachment. Each update will ' reindex the collection. As a result, it does not provide a reliable means for iteration. ' This is why the For Each style loops will not work. ~~ If msg.Attachments.Count > 0 Then ' This While loop is controlled via the .Delete method which ' will decrement msg.Attachments.Count by one each time. ~~ While msg.Attachments.Count > 0 ' Save the attachment to the file system sSavePathFS = fsSaveFolder.Self.path & "\" & msg.Attachments(1).filename msg.Attachments(1).SaveAsFile sSavePathFS ' Build up a string to denote the file system save path(s) ' Format the string according to the msg.BodyFormat. If msg.BodyFormat <> olFormatHTML Then sDelAtts = sDelAtts & vbCrLf & "<file://" & sSavePathFS & ">" Else sDelAtts = sDelAtts & "<br>" & "<a href='file://" & sSavePathFS & "'>" & sSavePathFS & "</a>" End If ' Delete the current attachment. We use a "1" here instead of an "i" ' because the .Delete method will shrink the size of the msg.Attachments ' collection for us. Use some well placed Debug.Print statements to see ' the behavior. ~~ msg.Attachments(1).Delete Wend ' Modify the body of the msg to show the file system location of ' the deleted attachments. If msg.BodyFormat <> olFormatHTML Then msg.Body = msg.Body & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Attachments Deleted: " & Date & " " & Time & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Saved To: " & vbCrLf & sDelAtts Else msg.HTMLBody = msg.HTMLBody & "<p></p><p>" & "Attachments Deleted: " & Date & " " & Time & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Saved To: " & vbCrLf & sDelAtts & "</p>" End If ' Save the edits to the msg. If you forget this line, the attachments will not be deleted. ~~ msg.Save End If Next End Sub