
I am developing a chat using quickblox but I am having some problems when I open a new chat. Suddenly I received all the messages that others users sends to me when I was disconnected. The problem is that when I start a chat with user A, I receive the chats from users B, C, D.. in user A chat room.

I have find the way to only show the A users. But the problem is that the server has already sent to me the "disconnected" messages, so when I start a chat to B I do not receive any text because the message that the user B sent to me has been delivered (and omitted) while I was chatting with user A.

How can I do to receive the pending messages (kind of history) or to just retrieve the message of the chat I am logged in?

A piece of my code:

private MessageListener messageListener = new MessageListener() {

    public void processMessage(Chat chat, Message message) {


         String from = message.getFrom().split("@")[0];
            String to = message.getTo().split("@")[0];

            System.out.println(String.format(">>> Message received (from=%s, to=%s): %s",from, to, message.getBody()));

//              return;

        if (onMessageReceivedListener != null && message.getBody() != null) {


Does anybody know I way to deploy a chat in a few steps?


2 Answers


It is a normal behaviour. You will receive all the messages from all the users after just login. Doesn't matter if you are now in the Chat with user A.

Possible solution - store all new messages into the ArrayList, HashMap. When you open a chat with user B - just retrieve messages from user B from this ArrayList/ HashMap and show them in your screen.


You need to get chat dialog for this particular user for which you wants to get history. Actually when two users starting chat at first time, a dialog is created for them to perform chat. They will always chat under this dialog. Dialog you can say is a kind of platform to chat. Dialog also has a dialog id. Quickblox provided a function to create dialog on behalf of friendID whom you wanna chat(You need to pass friendID into this function). If this is the first time chat, this function creates a dialogId for you and if you have performed a chat before then existing dialog ID is returned. After getting this dialogID, you are able to get chat history with the help of this dialogID.

Conclusion : You can only get chat history by dialogID.

Here is the code :

1.) Create a chatManager object.

2.) Create your custom message object by using QuickBlox QBChatMessage object :

public class ChatMessageModel {
    private Integer id;
    private String body;
    private Collection<Integer> readIds;
    private Integer recipientId;
    private String nameToDisplayOnlyWhenAMessageIsReceived;
    private String messageId;
    private Integer senderId;
    private String message;
    private String dialogId;
    private long time;
    private boolean isMessageSelected=false; //true if user selects an item or copy or delete and vice versa

    public boolean isMessageSelected() {
        return isMessageSelected;

    public void setIsMessageSelected(boolean isMessageSelected) {
        this.isMessageSelected = isMessageSelected;

    public String getMessageId() {
        return messageId;
    public void setMessageId(String messageId) {
        this.messageId = messageId;

    public Integer getSenderId() {
        return senderId;

    public void setSenderId(Integer senderId) {
        this.senderId = senderId;

    public void setId(Integer id) {
        this.id = id;
    public Integer getId() {
        return id;

    public String getBody() {
        return body;

    public String getNameToDisplayOnlyWhenAMessageIsReceived() {
        return nameToDisplayOnlyWhenAMessageIsReceived;

    public void setNameToDisplayOnlyWhenAMessageIsReceived(String nameToDisplayOnlyWhenAMessageIsReceived) {
        this.nameToDisplayOnlyWhenAMessageIsReceived = nameToDisplayOnlyWhenAMessageIsReceived;

    public void setBody(String body) {
        this.body = body;

//    public Collection<Integer> getReadIds() {
//        return readIds;
//    }

    public void setReadIds(Collection<Integer> readIds) {
        this.readIds = readIds;

    public Integer getRecipientId() {
        return recipientId;

    public void setRecipientId(Integer recipientId) {
        this.recipientId = recipientId;

    public void setMessage(String message) {
        this.message = message;

    public String getMessage() {
        return message;

    public String getDialogId() {
        return dialogId;

    public void setDialogId(String dialogId) {
        this.dialogId = dialogId;

    public void setTime(long time) {
        this.time = time;

    public Long getTime() {
        return time;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    //    return super.equals(o);
        if (obj == null || obj.getClass() != ChatMessageModel.class) {
            return false;
        ChatMessageModel other = (ChatMessageModel) obj;
        if (other.messageId != this.messageId) {
            return false;

        return true;

    public int hashCode() {
    //    return super.hashCode();
        return messageId == null ? 0 : messageId.hashCode();

    public String toString() {
        return messageId;

3.) Function to get chat history :

public void getChatHistoryForDialog(Integer otherUserId, final Integer numberOfMessages) {

        final ArrayList<ChatMessageModel> myList = new ArrayList<ChatMessageModel>();

        privateChatManager.createDialog(otherUserId, new QBEntityCallbackImpl<QBDialog>() {
            public void onSuccess(final QBDialog dialog, Bundle args) {
                QBRequestGetBuilder requestBuilder = new QBRequestGetBuilder();
                requestBuilder.setPagesLimit(numberOfMessages.intValue());// limit of max messages fetch from server
                QBChatService.getDialogMessages(dialog, requestBuilder, new QBEntityCallbackImpl<ArrayList<QBChatMessage>>() {
                    public void onSuccess(ArrayList<QBChatMessage> messages, Bundle args) {
                        for (QBChatMessage message : messages) {
                            ChatMessageModel model = new ChatMessageModel();
                            model.setTime(message.getDateSent() * 1000L);// Multiplied by 1000L because the time given by Quickblox server is epoch time


                    public void onError(List<String> errors) {

            public void onError(List<String> errors) {
