
I'm trying to add an HttpInterceptor. In AngularJS I would write something like this:

m.config(["$httpProvider", function($httpProvider) {...}])

But it seems like there is no config function in AngularDart.

What is the right way to configure AngularDart modules?


2 Answers


HttpInterceptors are implemented slightly differently in AngularDart.

main() {
  // define your interceptor
  var intercept = new HttpInterceptor();
  intercept.request = (HttpResponseConfig requestConfig) => /* something */;
  intercept.response = (HttpResponse response) => /* something */;
  intercept.requestError = (dynamic error) => /* something */;
  intercept.responseError = (dynamic error) => /* something */;

  // get hold of the HttpInterceptors instance -- there are many ways to do this.
  Injector injector = ngBootstrap(/* ... */);
  var interceptors = injector.get(HttpInterceptors);

  // register/add your interceptor

More info on the API:

http://ci.angularjs.org/view/Dart/job/angular.dart-master/javadoc/angular.core.dom/HttpInterceptors.html http://ci.angularjs.org/view/Dart/job/angular.dart-master/javadoc/angular.core.dom/HttpInterceptor.html


The answer by @pavelgj is not entirely correct way to use HttpInterceptors. It can introduce hard to debug timing errors, when certain Http calls would have been already initiated by bootstrapped angular-dart app, hence the interceptor would miss those calls.

The right way to use interceptor is to make sure that you inject it before the first Http call somewhere within your angular app. The new syntax of bootstrapping is this:

  .addModule(new YourAngularApp())

So within YourAngularApp, wherever you are injecting Http for the first time, you can inject the HttpInterceptor (only once) and add your custom interceptor.