
Sometimes CRM 2013 decides to give me the following error when opening an Order (and presents me with an empty page, but with the top navigation bar intact):

<Message>Unable to get property 'ClientVariables' of undefined or null reference</Message>
<PageURL>/main.aspx?etc=1088&extraqs=%3f_gridType%3d1088%26etc%3d1088%26id%3d%257b76EB6220-FB46-E311-93F3-00155D5752A9%257d%26rskey%3d674031362&pagemode=iframe&pagetype=entityrecord&rskey=674031362    </PageURL>
   <BrowserUserAgent>Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/6.0; .NET4.0E; .NET4.0C)</BrowserUserAgent>

This will keep on happening until I fiddle around with the cache or open another organisation. I'm still not sure what exactly resolves it. I do have custom code on the Order form but I often go days without getting the error. Any idea how I can try to locate the cause of this error and whether it has something to do with my custom code or whether its a bug in CRM 2013?


we are experiencing the same issue, so it's probably safe to say it's a CRM 2013 bug. IISRESET is the simplest way to clear the issue we've found (we're not multi-tenanted though), could you elaborate at all on how you poked the cache?Dead.Rabit

1 Answers


I've faced same issue with quote entity, when I ask my CRM users to clean temporary files for the browsers they never reported the issue.

In my case MSD 2013 On-premise