
HY everyone,

for class i had to import some libraries.

i got an error, after checking the libraries out, the problem basically boils down to

r6rs that gives this error : define-record-type: unbound identifier in module in: define-record-type

in this librarie :

#lang r6rs

 (export new say-what says-who say-it)
 (import ;...

 (define-record-type scenario-line
   (new figure text)
   (figure says-who)
   (text say-what))

 (define (say-it scenario-line)
   (diagonal-paste (diagonal-paste (says-who scenario-line) 
                                   (new-cloud 15 15)) 
                   (new-text-cloud (say-what scenario-line)))))

1 Answers


You left out your import declarations which are the most important part for figuring out unbound identifiers!

The identifier define-record-type is exported from the (rnrs records syntactic) and thus you'll need to ensure that one of your imports is:

(import (rnrs records syntactic))

From the R6RS documentation:

The syntactic layer is provided by the (rnrs records syntactic (6))library. Some details of the specification are explained in terms of the specification of the procedural layer below.

The record-type-defining form define-record-type is a definition and can appear anywhere any other can appear. ...