I am learning Spring security and Spring MVC, but I realized I needed to learn jsp Servlets first and general web programming in a java environment.
I have confusions surrounding the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects and how they can be used to add headers to the request and response objects and how they relate to sessions.
As far as I understand, a cookie is a type of header just like Content-type and Accept. The java servlet api just makes it easy to work with the header by using methods specific to the context in which the header is being used. For example:
response.setContentType(String mimeType)
response.setContentLength(int lengthInBytes)
My confusion starts here.. Cookie is not a String or int, its a object:
response.addCookie(Cookie cookie)
Since a cookie is a type of header, can't I just use something like this:
String cookieVal = response.getHeader("cookie")
I'm having difficulty understanding session management and how it relates to the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse API.. What is the HttpSession object for?
HttpSession.getAttribute() // What is this getting??
HttpSession.setAttribute("Bla Bla", "valuetoset") // What is this setting?