I have a class in Unity that a list of toggle switches that get turned on and off in a separate scene from the rest of my game. What I'm wanting is to have the user select one button and then have a corresponding action happen in my main game when they go back to that scene. However, I'm having issue sending information between scenes.
At the moment my toggle class looks like this:
private bool action1 = false;
public bool Action1
get { return action1;}
void OnGUI()
action1 = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(10, 10, 100, 30), action1, "test");
void Update()
Then in a class held in my Main scene, I have the following code:
private ActionClass actionIsOn = new ActionClass();
void Start()
if(actionIsOn.Action1 == true)
Debug.Log("action is on");
Debug.Log("nothing happening");
However, when I test this, nothing happens.
Have I set this up correctly? Is there a better way to pass this information from one scene to another?