I have a similarity transformation S from world coordinate system 1 to 2. I also have a set of 3D points x_i and projection matrices P_j (3x4 or 4x4) of cameras in either world coordinate system 1 or 2.
I now want to transform the cameras (projection matrices) in system 1 to system 2.
Transforming the 3D points works as expected, but how would I do it with the projection matrices?
My approach was the following:
S = [Ss*SR | St]
P = [R | t]
Invert the projection matrix:
PP = inv(P) = [R.T | -R.T*t] = [RR | tt]
Rotate the orientation of camera:
RR' = SR * RR
Scale, Rotate and translate position:
tt' = Ss*SR*tt + St
PP' = [RR' | tt']
Invert the transformed matrix to obtain the projection matrix again:
P' = inv(PP')
where P and P' are the projection matrices in system 1 and 2, respectively.