
I have a "wide" SAS data sets that must be exported into a new Excel workbook every week. I want to preserve the column widths and other Excel attributes every week, but I'm having problems getting it to work. Here's what I'm attempting.

  1. I used PROC EXPORT to create a new workbook (using sheet="New_TACs").
  2. I manually adjusted the column widths and other sheet attributes (like "filters", column widths, wrap, alignment, and "freeze panes").
  3. I deleted all the data rows (leaving the first row with the column names) and saved it as a new workbook named "template.xlsx".
  4. Using a SAS system call, I copy "template.xlsx" to "this_week.xlsx". I use PROC EXPORT again to try and update the new workbook, but I get warnings. The result contains a sheet named "New_TACS1".

Here is the SAS log:

720  proc export data=new_tacs
721     outfile="\\server-path\this_week.xlsx"
722     replace;
723     sheet='New_TACs';
724  run;

WARNING: The target file may contain unmatched range name and sheet name.
WARNING: The target file may contain unmatched range name and sheet name.
WARNING: File _IMEX_.New_TACs.DATA does not exist.
WARNING: Table _IMEX_."New_TACs" has not been dropped.
NOTE: "New_TACs" range/sheet was successfully created.
NOTE: PROCEDURE EXPORT used (Total process time):
      real time           23.88 seconds
      cpu time            1.80 seconds

I'm at a loss as to what to do and would appreciate any ideas or suggestions.


3 Answers


I think the issue is that with zero rows, SAS isn't properly dealing with the data. I can't get PROC EXPORT to work at all, but with a single dummy row I can at least get it to behave with libname and PROC APPEND. I wouldn't be surprise if the filters are in part responsible for this.

After creating the blank excel file with the SASHELP.CLASS columns, adding a filter, adding one row of dummy data, and saving/closing, I do: (SCANTEXT=NO is mandatory here for update access)

libname newtac "c:\temp\test.xlsx" scantext=no getnames=yes;

proc append base=newtac.'New_TACs$_xlnm#_FilterDatabase'n data=sashelp.class force;

libname newtac clear;

That gets close, at least. I'm getting some blank rows for some reason, perhaps due to other things I did in looking at this.

Your best solution may well be to wait for 9.4 TS1M0 and ODS EXCEL, which will let you do all these things from SAS directly; or to use DDE.


I would recommend checking out SaviCells. http://www.sascommunity.org/wiki/SaviCells. It provides much better SAS to Excel functionality, including creating a template with all your Excel formatting and using that with new data.


Use DDE in SAS to achieve this.

You can create your excel template the way you want it to appear. Using DDE you would then:

  1. Open Excel
  2. Open the excel file you want to use as the template
  3. Populate it with the updated data
  4. Save the file as a new filename

It's a bit of an antiquated technology but it gets the job done.

Googling for SAS and DDE will find you plenty of code exmaples and tutorials.