I have been struggling to configure an SSL Certificate based environment for hight trust apps in SharePoint 2013. I have on-premises installation of SharePoint 2013 (Enterprise). Following google and msdn articles, I figured out that high trust apps require Client SSL authentication. My app is a provider hosted app and requires an "https" url to be hit when triggered (there is no option for setting "http" url). Any help would be appreciated.
2 Answers
I highly recommend Kirk Evans' blog post on the subject to get you started:
I was able to walk through this to get 90% to where I needed to be, including creation of a self-signed certificate for the PHA server.
What Kirk's blog didn't cover for me:
- Setting up a dedicated PHA server. Kirk's post finishes with running the app from IIS Express inside Visual Studio. I wound up needing a modified web.config for non-dev builds, i.e. for code deployed to a dedicated IIS instance.
- Setting up for App lifecycle event receivers. If you want to handle App lifecycle events from your PHA, then you may have even more tweaking to do in the web.config file. To this point I've had to enable Anonymous authentication in my service bindings in web.config in order for SharePoint to call those handlers.
Please visit this for bindings :
and In the publishing profile, modify the "SiteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish" and the "publishUrl"
SiteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish --> https://YourServerName:PortNumber/VistualDirectoryFolderName
& publishUrl --> Path where you publish your web
before this uncheck the "Use IIS Express" from your provider hosted web properties and select "Use local IIS web server". Pass the address of your simple http://YourServerName:PortNumber/..
url and create virtual directory.